In today’s world we can see so much, do so much, enjoy so much, and learn so much. We have boundless opportunity to travel the world and sometimes, it is the trip itself that reminds us best that we are all on a life-long journey of discovery.
Adventure away from our routine reminds us what’s important, it even sparks ideas around our life purpose. Travel, especially solo travel is not about destination alone, but about you.
I firmly believe, “travel is the gateway to major life change” and many times these changes are best discovered through going solo; solo travel.
If travel shows are for you, I’ll be on a panel this Sunday at the New York Times Travel Show at 3:45pm on a panel on Tips for Solo Travel. Along with fellow experts, I’ll be answering questions on logistics and providing tips to take a solo trip. But when it’s all said and done, the biggest tip I can offer you take and make adventure in your life, is to stay adventurous. Solo travel is a great way to do just that.
Here are seven reasons to make solo travel part of your travel plans in 2016:
1) You Do What You Want
I was once told the definition of a compromise is “nobody gets what they want,” I may not agree completely, but as a solo traveler you get what you want every time unless you compromise your dreams.
You make all the decisions. You determine the where to go, what to do, the when and how to do it -the everything. It’s a responsibly, so be prepared, but this ultimate freedom allows you to realize you are in charge of your life and your happiness.
2) You Make Friends Outside Your Current Circles
When you travel solo, you are more apt to strike conversations (if you want to converse) with fellow travelers, many of which people you will meet will be outside your typical circles. You get the benefit of hearing completely different viewpoints, beliefs, life paths, etc…. These experiences will help open your eyes to a wider world.
3) You Connect to the Place
Yes, you’ll meet the people but you will also connect to its environment, its culture, its history and more. Solo travel is often slow(er) travel, well I like to take my time, but either way with time by yourself, you’ll definitely be picking up on the new environment differently. You’ll realize it’s a beautiful world too.
4) It’s All About the Moment

Capturing the moment on the streets of Oaxaca
Life is about being in the moment, the now. With less distractions and more of you in charge and making decisions, being observant, etc… You’ll be more aware and awake. You’ll be “in the moment” because it is really living when you solo travel.
5) You Are the Destination
It doesn’t need to be an epc destination to be an “epic” trip. The biggest memories from solo travel are rarely the “must-see” and “must-do” places and activities, but rather when you laughed, what you loved, what you learned… and simply the moments you felt most alive, most present. It’s about you.
Our lives, when you think about it are solo… We may have companions, family, friends, and partners for many of the years… But your life is your journey.
6) Restores Your Faith in Humanity
Solo travel involves more trust than anything. From the trusting of yourself to make decisions, to trusting others for help, and guidance. From asking someone to watch your stuff for a moment, to taking the risk of getting on a bus in a place you don’t know or speak the language. But, what you’ll discover is the world is not just safe, but people the world over want to help, are very kind, and often generous. People will amaze you.
7) It’s a Life-Long Journey.
Sure solo travel may take different forms at different times, as does life, but we can always take and make a trip. Maybe you can’t take a full year off and travel the world, but you can take a day, weekend, or even an afternoon and do something by yourself for yourself. It makes for better relationships with the people in your life, and a better relationship with yourself.
So take a solo trip. You’ll thank me because you’ll start to discover this amazing world you and I call home and have the opportunity to discover more about yourself and create a better you. Yes, travel is a mindset for life, a better life.
Stay adventurous, Craig

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