In a little known “pueblo magico” less than 3 hours away from Mexico City, visitors find a charming rural town named Malinalco. A destination with a history steeped in legends also serves as a gateway to many modern day adventures and a home to a local mezcal. Listen in and discover all that awaits travelers to this region. Learn about the opportunity to camp overnight in the caves of a mountain, rappel a 57 meter waterfall, and take on the challenge and experience the joy of the “Canon de Las Bocas.”
Listen in to discover all of the “Magic of Malinalco …
Podcast Shownotes:
Stay Adventurous Media
- What to Do in Malinalco? The 5 Adventures to Put on Your List.
- Epic Waterfall Rappel – Cascada del Obraje
- The portfolio #Stay_Malinalco images on the @StayAdventurous Instagram
- 5 Epic Places to Stay (One is form Malinalco)
- Hugo, guide and owner of Ocuiltlan a rappel guide in the area (link is Facebook)
- Azael, guide working for Maliemociones local tour operator in Malinalco
- Ethel Hansen Davey (Facebook) – fellow traveler and travel agent based in Toronto
Staying Adventurous Sponsors
- Stay AdvenTours to Mexico City
- BottleKeeper keeps beer bottle colder and safer with science. Order your today.

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