This trip, the weekend at the Lodge at Woodloch located in the Pocono Mountains of Pennsylvania, was different. I expected such as it was my first time traveling again since the pandemic altered the travel landscape. What wasn’t different on this trip was missing the sunset at the lake. I missed it again. In prior years it was attending inspiring evening classes by featured speakers keeping me away, this time it was the dinners which included the Chef’s Garden Dinner (no complaints).
So with all the changes to the schedule of classes mandated because of the need to adhere to current guidelines, I decided to make a change too. Know that these changes didn’t affect the opportunity to keep Staying Luxurious at the Destination Spa, but it did inspire me to do something different. I decided to reserve a spot in the sunrise photo walk at 5:30am. Yes, I’d capture a sunrise instead of a sunset for the Sunset Sunday series.
Not normally up early unless fishing or surfing is involved, I decided to alter my normal “sleep-in Sunday” approach to the blissful weekend for the chance to walk the property in the quiet of the morning. When the alarm went off, I’ll admit it was difficult to leave the comforts of the cozy bed, but I made a commitment and headed to the lobby for the class. Upon arrival I found just the guide waiting for me. This class was just me. A private tour. Perfect.
We immediately headed outside and started to head towards the lake. The brisk mountain morning air made for a brisk walk even as the summer sun continued to illuminate the forest. First light was well before the 5:30am this time of year, the start time for the class, and the sun already was making its presence known.
We walked out on the docks, the same docks I’d return to for a discovery kayak at 8am, to take in the view. Here we stood in silence to mirror the stillness of the setting. I took in a deep breath and released. Then another. This moment made the struggles of waking up worth it. It was a beautiful moment and once again the world was a beautiful place.
Our walk or hike continued through the sanctuary area, a newer area opened to guests, and we walked to where the waters of Little Teedyuskung Lake (really a bog) empties out and then back to the Lodge. We passed an old farm house, photographed an old car (1930s) left for junk in the woods, deer and also discovered animal tracks. The day was just beginning, and I was thankful to have the opportunity to witness its origin on the trails at the Lodge at Woodloch.
Happy Sunrise Sunday,

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