The world is essentially at home, leisure travel has all but ceased during this declared pandemic. For many it has produced hardships with loss of loved ones, loss of jobs or even loss of ways of life. For us travelers, it is also hard to not do what we love, not to mention the concerns about what travel may look like when we can return to friendlier skies.
Well, it also has led to being creative, there is more to do than just stay home, stay safe and stay well – we can stay adventurous too. And yes, we can also stay traveling too. How, well, that is what I detail in my latest podcast. Listen in and enjoy.
Staying Adventurous Podcast Show Notes
Stay Adventurous Stories
- It’s Not Just StayHome, Stay Healthy and Stay Safe, It’s Stay Adventurous too
- 20 New Adventures for the 2020s
- Let Me Send You a Postcard
- On Instagram @StayAdventurous (follow me) and also hashtag #Stay_Home_InTheFLKeys
- Why I love Sunsets, the Sunset Sunday Series and how to participate with a Sunset Sunday Guest Post
Stay Adventurous Sponsors
- CanvasPop – Display Your Travel Photography
- BottleKeeper – Keep Your Bottles Cold with Science
- Plated Earth Fitness – Virtual Fitness Programs and Healthy Eating Plans
- Maggie Mistal Career Coach – Soul Search, Research and Job Search your way to your Ideal Career.

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