An Anniversary Sunset Hike at Burnaby Mountain, British Columbia, Canada

The rays from sun turned everything a crimson color and illuminated the waters at the foot of the mountain. I savor moments like that, moments like my sunset at Burnaby Mountain in British Columbia, Canada.

sunset view of Burnaby Mountain in British Columbia, Canada

taking in the sunset at Burnaby Mountain

One of my favorite outdoor activities is trekking and on one of my recent trips I hiked Burnaby Mountain. This is also a special day because my wife and I decided to celebrate our fifth wedding anniversary outdoors. At the top of Burnaby Mountain, we looked down on the whole city of Vancouver, an impressive site, but the best part was getting a chance to experience the amazing sunset while we were driving away from the mountain. We stopped at the side of the road and captured this wonderful memory as a special souvenir from our wedding anniversary hike.

I cherished the moment as the sun dipped and its magic, especially when the sunset rays shined on my wife’s face. What a smile. I will never forget that lovely moment.

If I had one special wish right now, my wish is that on every anniversary we celebrate with an experience such as this moment and go to places to experience such magical sunsets.  I also look forward to sharing these magical moments with my daughter as she grows older.  My wife and I want her to grow up and appreciate nature too.


David loves cars and traveling by RV. His dream is to travel around the world mostly with an RV.. Check out his blog at and twitter @DavidWalkerCar

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  • Ryan Biddulph

    What a gorgeous photo David. I enjoy trekking myself. Just being out in nature, being able to breath the fresh air, does it for me.

    Thanks for sharing :)


    • craig zabransky

      Thanks Ryan… agree, just “being” out “there” is so important, and nature truly does it for me too. Stay Being in Nature, Craig

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