On any journey, I always search for a place to surf. As I mentioned in last week’s Beach Thursday post, when I hear “beach,” I think ‘surf’ or ‘ocean.’ And when traveling to Asia, I knew about the beaches, but I didn’t know about the surf outside of Indonesia. I researched and discovered a beach on the island of Phuket, Thailand. I discovered Kata Beach.
I started surfing in the summer of 1998, but I still consider myself a novice. Sure, when I surfed every day in Costa Rica in 2004, (and was totally Pura Vida!) I carved and cut across the face of waves on a 6’8” in head high conditions. But since then, I practice less, recover from parties a bit slower, and prefer a casual fun board / long board in less than ‘epic’ conditions. Kata Beach answered my call.
I rented a board on the beach, and started to head towards the water. A hot summer day and after a just one beautiful ride – a beautiful day. It only takes one to make you smile and reaffirm your decision to paddle past any break. Plus, after this one, hey, I surfed Asia. I’ll admit it, I enjoy the accomplishment on my CV of surf.
Yes, there are certainly many reasons to smile in Thailand, but surfing proved to be one of my favorites. I still recall the sunset and Singha beer (so special it was the first ever Sunset Sunday) as part of the post wave party. Good times.
Stay Advenutorus, Craig
This is post 5 of 13 in the Winter Series – Beach Thursday, a Special Series on Stay Adventurous.

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