Paradise. The image often includes a pristine beach, soft white sand, and a brilliant blue ocean backdrop. Make it a remote island only accessible by boat and not overrun by tourists or tourism and you create the perfect image. Yes, it’s paradise.
Bali ignites the imagination of such a place, but the lesser known Gili islands of Lombok lures the true paradise seeker. With no international airport, visitors must either take the ferry from Bali or island hop on a puddle jumper from another Indonesian island.
I spent my days at Sire Beach (on Lombok) and discovered the Gili Islands on a snorkeling excursion. Traveling by boat to remote reefs I floated with the fast currents to explore the colorful fish and sea turtles of the Indian Ocean. But for me, the true beauty was not under water, but above.
When we stopped for lunch, sitting just off the shoreline in the shade, I saw my paradise. The picture perfect image existed. Here, is what I always imagined. I found it. The Gili Islands of Lombok.
We all have one. We do. Good luck traveling to find yours, and when you do, let me know where you found it.
Stay adventurous, Craig
This is post 1 of 13 in the Winter Series – Beach Thursday. You can also view all the Special Series on Stay Adventurous.

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