We return to Mexico and visit one of its lesser known and smallest states Colima. What it lacks in size, it certainly makes up for in adventure and local products. The destination, still off the main tourism trails in Mexico, may not be for too much longer.
Listen in and join me on an adventure “Coming to Colima” as we explore this pacific coast destinaiton in Mexico. We help from three interviews, two fellow travelers and one local tour guide we explore the best things to do in Colima. On this episode we visit Comala, a “Pueblo Magico,” the seaside port of Manzanillo, two iconic volcanos, the Volcan de Colima (active) and the Volcan de Nevado, and explore the Culture thru Cuisine as we discover an artisanal salt and what to drink, including locally distilled rum. Enjoy and let’s explore the culture, cuisine and colors of Colima.
Podcast Shownotes
Stay Adventurous Stories
- Award Winning Rum and What to Drink in Colima
- Staying Adventurous on Instagram with hashtag #stay_colima
- Jupiter at Admire Mexico tours:
- 30 things to eat in Colima via Ayngelina from BaconisMagic.ca
- Lydia Carey from MexicoCityStreets
Culture Thru Cuisine
- Ron Classico – Local Mexican Rum
- local Craft Beer at Cerveceria de Colima
- Fleur de Sel:
Other Stories
- Details on ATMEX 2019
- Afrar Magazine story – An Overlooked Mexican Region We Almost Don’t Want to Tell You About