Yesterday I drove back to New York. My return from Pennsylvania, via Interstate 80 through New Jersey, took just less than three hours but I know the “real” road back for New York City will take longer. Much longer.
I planned for a different Sunday today. As you might know, today was marathon Sunday in New York and I hoped for a Marathon Sunset in Central Park. I circle this event on the calendar every year. The inspiration and joy of the NYC marathon lifts my soul (and the souls of all who witness the event). Marathon Sunday is one of my favorite days of the year.
I know Mayor Bloomberg grappled with the decision of whether or not to hold the race, and ultimately thought it was in the best interest of the city and its people not to run it. I don’t plan to argue the merits of that decision, but I do plan to make a personal change.
Today, instead of cheering on thousands of runners (blowing my vuvuzela) as they travel through all five boroughs, I will be doing something different to lift my spirit and the spirit of this great City. The higher vibration I receive from helping others accomplish a goal will be obtained differently this year. I will give back to my community in a different way. Yes, I plan to obtain that marathon high from volunteering my efforts to help make the road back from Super Storm Sandy easier. It’s time to Stay Adventurous in service to others in New York. I hope you will join me and still celebrate this day (and the days ahead) by lifting the spirits of others, and ultimately yourself, by lending a helping hand.
Stay adventurous, Craig
Feel free to comment below with any suggestions, organizational details or links looking for volunteers or supplies to assist in the recovery of New York and the surrounding areas from the storm. I will keep you informed of what I find and do, on the Stay Adventurous Facebook Fan page. Let’s all help.