On my flight back from my recent trip to Mexico I looked out from my window seat and experienced a mile high moment; a mile high sunset. And I reflected on the moment. I stared and smiled for a while and then I eventually grabbed my iPhone to snap an image. My recent Mexican adventure changed me, or rather allowed another side of me to come forward.
After an amazing twelve days in Riviera Nayarit and Puerto Vallarta, I learned more about Mexico and two amazing destinations, but I also learned more about myself too. Because on this trip I didn’t just travel as blogger ( or journalist) but I also worked with a film crew. The goal was to explore and film the destinations through a traveler’s eye; I was that traveler. I LOVED it. I interviewed tourists, travelers, tour operators, a sommelier (in Spanish), chefs… the works and I offered my thoughts, advice, and opinions on Mexico too. Did I mention I loved it?
The video footage will be used by Visit Mexico and I can’t wait to see it and share it as I will be the “star.” Apparently I did a good job too, well we’ll see… I think this is the start of something new. Yes. Think BIG and stay adventurous, right?
stay filming, Craig
Travel Tip:
This is the second Mile High sunset (link to original) posted on the Sunset Sunday series, but I’ve seen many more through the years. Actually, when you know you’re going to be traveling during sunset hours, don’t leave seating to chance. First, know the direction you are heading (I was heading north to the States, returning from south of the border – Mexico) and select the proper window seat (west side or left side, stage left, from your seat). And then – wa-la, a mile high sunset.