I spend time in the Pocono Mountains of Pennsylvania. The spring bloom, the summer storms, the autumn colors and the winter snows, provide a chance to experience nature all year. With Manhattan as my home, the less than three hour bus ride makes for a perfect escape any season.
In the colds of January, the lakes are nearly always covered with snow and are often frozen solid. The small lake where I often spend time sitting on a bench to enjoy the fall foliage, Beaver Lake, provides a peaceful quiet, a stillness, I adore and often crave.
Yet this year I experienced something very different. With the warmer weather in January, the snow melted off and the entire lake and although still ice (thinner than normal) the lake showed its complete surface. On a walk one afternoon, I noticed a winter sunset reflection on the clear surface. Not what I wanted to see at first, but I soon realized the beauty in the moment. And that made all the difference. It always does.
Happy Sunset Sunday
Stay adventurous, Craig

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