As we enter July for some the year is half over, for others half the year awaits. With that in mind I decided to take a pause and review Sunset Sunday posts to see where we traveled, how it measured up against what I planned, and finally where we need to go in the next six months.
So, where did we go?
With over half the posts from the States, you can find a sunset from each of the time four time zones and multiple posts from both California (3) and Florida (3). We also reached eight countries (US, Mexico, South Africa, Namibia, Spain, New Zealand, Guatemala and Uruguay).
How did the posts measure up to the 2011 expectations?
- 50 Sunset Sunday Posts. I am happy to report I am still on target. So far, I only took one Sunday off (Easter Sunday).
- Six continents. I already posted from sunset from five continents thanks to assistance from Sunset Sunday guest posts. The year has seen the sun set in Africa (3). Australia (and New Zealand 2), Europe (1), Central and South America (2), and North America (16). For six, I still need Asia, and that will be captured during All Asia All August.
- Diversify Stories and Places. I still need to diversify further by country and continent. I will. However, when I tell a story each and every week, I am reminded that no two sunsets are the same. Each moment, each memory – different. And because of that each destination is different too.
So what’s next?
Well, the 2011 Sunset Schedule now includes all the future destinations for July and August (and all posts from the first six months). The next two months include seven new countries with four from Asia. Also planned in the later months are more from Africa and Latin America. We’ll see much of the world, so definitely stay connected each Sunday.
And also prepare for the chance to order your very own 2012 Sunset Sunday Calendar. Twelve of my best images and stories will guide you through your 2012. Excited? I am.
Happy Sunset Sunday.
stay adventurous, Craig