Last year, with the 4th of July fireworks on the Hudson River (and not the East River), spectators watched two shows. Not only did they get a chance to see one of the largest firework displays in the country, but they also had a chance to see a sunset.
For the prized view, you needed to arrive early, have friends with connections (always helps in New York), or purchase tickets to special events planned on the Hudson. For me, it was Pier 66 (26th St) and supporting PortSide, an organization helping the “blue space” waterways around the island of Manhattan. And with drinks, dinner and tables, it became quite the special evening.
4th of July Options in New York City
This year, the fireworks display will once again be on the Hudson River and if interested, the best points to see the display will be between 20th and 59th street. As always spectators and the public are welcome, but if you want to make it a more special event, options exist.
If you want to be on the water check into; the Circle line ($79), World Yacht Dinner Cruise ( $350 a table), Spirit of New York ($260). Or if you don’t have your sea legs, you can check into; Pier 83 Rooftop Fireworks BBQ ($79), on the Intrepid Aircraft Carrier Museum ($100) or my choice last year Pier 66 ($175). The fireworks are slated to start at 9:15pm
Have a great 4th! and Happy Sunset Sunday.

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