After watching my first sunset on the Chobe River from the shore, the next night I captured the moment from the river during an excursion into Botswana’s Chobe National Park just the other direction from the Namibia and the fishing village.
On a day where I drifted passed a herd of thirsty elephants and witnessed two hippos submerge in close proximity to a crocodile and other elephants, I anticipated another beautiful moment. Yes, a fitting end to another amazing day on my African adventure, the sunset.
As I headed to the stairs to climb to the open upper deck to capture the moment, I snapped this image. It captured not only the sunset, but the scene. As if it was an elephant or a lion, everyone positioned themselves to see the setting sun. Everyone wanted the photo. That evening, I wasn’t alone with my fascination and focus on the sunset.
Happy Sunset Sunday.
Stay adventurous, Craig

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