I began my RTW (round the world) adventure in Central America. The trip truly transformed me as a person and also as a traveler. I discovered Becoming, ‘Pura Vida’ (pure life) during my days in Costa Rica and continue to hold that with me.
As much as my favorite pacific place on the journey was Santa Theresa – Mal Pais, no sunset could hold a candle to any experienced at Tamarindo. After a day of surfing, fighting (and losing to) the locals for the few quality waves in December, I usually retired to a beach-front bar to witness the moment.
With my journal, pen, and Imperial cerveza with a glass of ice, I eagerly awaited the sun’s descent as the sky was illuminated with magical colorings of robust reds and magenta. One afternoon I took my camera (now ancient technology) and snapped this photo.
What I penned that evening helped kick-start Sunset Sunday, and Stay Adventurous. It was one of those life changing moments. A magical moment indeed.
Happy Sunset Sunday.
Stay adventurous, Craig

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