It was a Monday in early April. We were in Carmel, California after a drive up the Pacific Coast Highway with a memorable night in Big Sur. We didn’t get a sunset in that legendary stretch of the coast; it was a dark and stormy night. When we arrived in the artsy coastal town to the north, home of Dirty Harry, the sun was shining brightly. After an early sushi dinner, we headed to the beach to watch the sunset. We weren’t the only ones with that idea. The beach was crowded with people who’d come to watch this magnificent end of day event. As it descended into the water, a universal “ah,” was heard. We wished we could be there the next night for the repeat performance.
Billie Frank writes extensively about Santa Fe and Northern New Mexico for her blog Santa Fe Travelers. A former print journalist, she is a contributor to other online publications writing about food and travel and is co-owner of a trip planning and tour business The Santa Fe Traveler. You can find Billie on twitter at @santafetraveler
Happy Sunset Sunday! Stay Adventurous, Craig