A family reunion took me to upstate New York this summer. To be honest, I held little appreciation for my state outside of what I knew. Growing up, New York consisted of Long Island and the city. And when people mentioned New York – well that was New York City. Ignorance might be bliss at times, but you can certainly miss out on so much of the beauty in the world with such an approach. Thankfully, I learned this early in life.
To witness this beauty, I keep an open mind, travel and (yes) stay adventurous. And this approach teaches. It educates. In fact last week, Melissa mentioned this in her SunsetSunday (guest) post on New Jersey. She wrote,
“catching the travel bug a few years ago, and learning to see the world through the eyes of a traveler, I’ve realized how much the state of NJ really has to offer.”
Exactly. When you travel you gain a deeper appreciation about where you are from and I am from New York. Yes, I love NY (the entire state).
So at a joyful and emotional family reunion, meeting cousins for the first time in 19 years, we conversed, tasted some of the best local corn, grilled steaks, and downed a few beers. America at its best. And all day I took pictures of the park grounds, my family, and the food. Yet, I knew I needed one more shot. The perfect ending to the day.
When we parted ways with a promise to not wait so long next time, day descended into night. Driving the back roads in rural New york, the sunset’s colors brightened the sky. Eventually, I found a clearing and pulled over. I reached for my camera, exited the car and took this image. The farm, the cows, and the sunset. A different New York for me, but a New York I truly appreciate.
Happy Sunset Sunday. Welcome to Season 3 of 2010.
stay adventurous, Craig

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