When you visit Pretoria, South Africa, (or the renamed Tshwane, South Africa) I recommend a walk through the grounds and gardens that surround the Union Buildings. The location serves as the republic’s executive capital, but achieved its global fame in May of 1994.
As I walked the grounds, part of me just admired the beauty of its buildings and landscape. I admired the views, the simple water fountain (always a fan) and vast fauna. But another part of me realized how not just South Africa, but really Africa changed that May day. The day when Nelson Mandela addressed the nation as the first democratically elected President of the apartheid abolished rainbow nation.
Then on my walk through the park, the sun started its descent. I snapped this photograph of the statue of General Louis Botha, the Union of South Africa’s first Prime Minister. As history shows, also a man who believed in reconciliation. (after the Boer War)
stay adventurous, Craig

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