It was still dark when I left my hotel in Banfora to head to Lake Tengrela in western Burkina Faso. The goal was to set sail on the lake in a wooden canoe before the sun came up to try to spot a hippopotamus or two. While we floated along in the rickety canoe, I became just as enthralled with the colorful sunrise as I was with the prospect of spotting a hippo. I was terrified the entire time that I would tip over and fall into the lake, but I managed to get some great pictures of both the hippos and the sunrise.
Complete coverage of here canoe trip here
Katie Aune is a former attorney who quit her job in 2011 to spend 13 months traveling through all 15 countries of the former Soviet Union. Now back in Chicago and working full-time in higher education fundraising, she continues to travel as often and as far off the beaten path as possible. Find out more about her travels and mission at Also follow her on twitter here: @katieAune
When a month rewards us with 5 Sundays in a month I try to do something a little different here on the Sunset Sunday Series. This week Katie, someone I met (and still meet) at travel blogger events agreed to help. Here she provides us with a special sunrise from her recent trip to Burkina Faso in West Africa. Thanks to supporting travel to West Africa and thanks for sharing your moment here on the Sunset Sunday Series.

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