Walking home this evening, I noticed the moon. Then it hit me. Today, July 20th, marks the anniversary of the first lunar landing. This day in history, American astronauts stepped on surface of the moon. Amazing. Really amazing.
It also reminded me of the post, I wrote for GainVille last year. It truly captured my feelings on the eve of the 40th anniversary and it does so again today. We made the impossible – possible. We can do it again.
So to mark the anniversary, I thought to republish my prose. Enjoy…
Forty (in 2009) years ago the world changed. Humanity watched two men take a few steps; small simple steps that crowned a determined decade-long drive. Man graced the surfaced of the moon.
Neil Armstrong, the astronaut who placed the first footprints on the moon marked the moment. He told the world, “One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.” His famous words seem destined to echo through time and space forever. He knew humanity took a GIANT leap. We did.
For thousands of years people dreamed of reaching the moon, and many people alive today were born when it still was thought to be impossible. But it was achieved. And arguably the landing must be mentioned in any conversation discussing man’s greatest achievements across human history.
So as we all watch in wonder again this anniversary, what can we learn?
First, we can enjoy anniversary news coverage (much less this year) that is not of a tragedy, a war, or a death, but of a positive human achievement. That alone maybe cause to celebrate. But perhaps we can also simply surmise that the once thought illogical is in fact possible.
That may be worth repeating; what we once thought illogical is in fact possible.
So as I continue to watch (and ponder) in amazement about the lunar landing, I am deciding to take my own giant leap to believing we can once again do great things both in the heavens above and here on earth.
So, are you with me?
Stay adventurous, Craig
I wish these were my photos… source NASA