After lunch I decided to take a walk about the city and explore San Francisco on foot. With plenty of time before my red-eye flight back to the east coast, I set out to explore San Francisco with no agenda, no plans, except one – be somewhere to watch a sunset on the bay. But where?
After a few hours and some time in Washington Square Park, I stumbled into Craig Fonarow Photography in North Beach. With a name like Craig, I figured the photography might be good and it was. A few images caught my eye with one being a photograph from Pier 7, a wooden walkable pier on San Francisco’s famed Embarcadero. Perfect.
As it turns out Pier 7 along the Embarcadero is one of the best places to watch a sunset in San Francisco. Happy Sunset Sunday.
Stay adventurous, Craig
Thank you to the CMM2014 for the invite to San Francisco. I was happy to return to the city by the bay, but even more importantly, I am excited to return to Canada after an impressive media conference in 2014. I’ll be making plans to head north of the border.

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