Colón, the port city named for the Cristobal Colon, or as many know him, Christopher Columbus rests on the Caribbean side of the Panama Canal. The slow, sleepy, port itself doesn’t offer much insight into the explorer who enlightened Europe on a “new world,” but it does serve as the gateway to his very dream – access to the Far East and India from the Atlantic Ocean.
I visited Colón, on my recent cruise. The ten day trip included a partial passage through the Panama Canal. The ship entered on the Caribbean and exited on the same side, so I didn’t get a chance to tour Panama City. But, the day itself was simply incredible. It included, passage through Panama Canal, a tour of the Gatun Locks, and a kayak excursion in Lake Gatun. Afterwards, I waited in the town of Colón (east coast), Panama to board my cruise ship, the ms Zuiderdam.
With the incredible amount of ships waiting for passage through the canal, I decided to head up to the top deck and watch us head to sea with a full panoramic view instead of from my private balcony. My time on the lido deck coincided with the sunset. Perhaps an uneventful moment in the eyes of many, but a moment I’ll always cherish. It marks the day I experienced partial passage through one of the modern marvels of the world. Happy Sunset Sunday!
stay adventurous, Craig

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