Last Mother’s Day Sunset Sunday I published prose a daughter wrote for her mother. A tribute. This year, again, I want to share a special moment. This time it’s one of mine.
On March 4th I didn’t sleep a wink. Actually, I didn’t sleep again till the afternoon of March 5th – thirty-six hours plus. Why? My son, Mercer, surprised me in Florida. He arrived 3 months (12 weeks) early. By the end of those hours I felt nearly every emotion; I was exhausted, ecstatic and also very nervous.
Since then Mercer spent the last two months growing from his initial two pound birth weight inside intensive care at Baptist Hospital in Miami. The nurses and doctors of the NICU (Neonatal Intensive Care) said prepare for a roller coaster ride. They told me to prepare for a journey filled with both ups and downs, both good days and bad days. They were right. Actually, they were more correct than I hoped. But, thankfully there were many more UPs (than downs) and now after nearly nine weeks Mercer received discharge. Discharged in time for Mother’s Day.
When we travel strange happenings occur, lessons are learned, and life lived. Sure, this is not what I scripted, life often never is. But I knew I was on the right track, I was where I needed to be and it was evident right before I decided to catch some sleep after that first day/night.
Mercer’s mommy told me. “look out the (hospital) window; it’s a beautiful sunset. It’s a good sign.” I did. She was right too. It was a good sign. It was a great sign.
Thank you Maggie – Happy Mother’s Day.
…. and of course Happy Sunset Sunday.
stay adventurous, Craig

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