Stephanie and I often talk Tequila and Mexico. We both share a love for the country and its spirit. Actually it all began on #MexMonday where everyone tweets deals, information, stories – you name it – about Mexico. It makes Monday a happy day for all.
We also have other passions. And as the Green Bay Packers made their play-off run I discovered one of hers, the Green and Gold. She tweeted, celebrated each and every game. So, when the Packers won the NFC Championship, I asked her if she wanted to provide a sunset image from Wisconsin in support of Green Bay. She said yes. Happy Super Bowl Sunday edition of Sunset Sunday.
stay adventurous, Craig
Stephanie is the owner of TravelDesigned, a travel service designed to add service, value and experience to your travel. Also, you can find her on twitter @traveldesigned and read more about her adventures at Lambeau field here.

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