Volunteering to assist at the “meet plan go” event held in New York City last September I met many people looking to take a career break. I really enjoyed providing them with needed encouragement. Then when networking myself, I met other career breakers who actually encouraged me.
Marie was part of the panel of career breakers and used it to change her life. She is well published too. And this week, she decided to share, one of her sunset stories with us from a place that appears on my ‘travel list’ – Punta del Este Uruguay. She describes her moment:
I had spent a week partying in Buenos Aires, so when I arrived in Punta del Este, Uruguay, I needed some serious rest. With full on bronchitis crippling my body, I holed up in the apartment of Chilean friends on the beach (Playa de Manantiales) and nursed mugs of tea and slices of buttered toast from the local market. This was the first time during a two-month trip through South America that I was truly alone, devoid of travel partners and lacking in travel hijinks. Worried about loneliness, I noticed that outside of my bedroom was one of those expansive, pristine beaches that Uruguay was famous for.
At around six each evening, fighting the nightly chill (and my health), I bundled up in blankets, and brought my tea out to the sand to watch the sunset. A brilliant display of color that shadowed the bold silhouettes of Punta del Este, I drank in the sight of this beautiful place for seven glorious evenings. On the eighth, happy in solitude, I was loath to leave. Uruguay, for that reason, is my own private Idaho. I absolutely can’t wait to return.
Happy Sunset Sunday
Marie Elena Martinez is a freelance travel, food, and lifestyle writer for such publications as The Wall Street Journal, Newsday, the Boston Globe, the Miami Herald, and Women’s Adventure Magazine. You can read her around the world adventures form the last five years on her blog and find more on her website, and through her tweets at @mariesworlds.

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