Last year I traveled to Bogotá, Colombia. A short trip. I only spent four nights in the city. Yet in four nights I learned so much about the place and its people.
I learned of its beauty. I learned of its nightlife. I learned I needed to return to the city and to the country. and i learned about it’s wonderful views from Monserrate.
One day on discovery, I decided to take the teleferico (cable car) up to the top of Monserrate. I wanted to take in the view. To stand above it all and look down. Wow.
The adventure belongs on the “must-do” list for city and as a “must-do” for those who enjoy vast views. And yes, the views will certainly impress.
All the views. From either enjoying what was built on the top of the mountain or looking down on Bogotá, on top of Monserrate it is all about the view. The “buen vista.”
stay adventurous, Craig
For more on my adventure in Bogota, Colombia, see my destinations spotlight – the Beauty of Bogota.

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