I wanted to share a photo I took in Namibia on the road from Sossusvlei to Swakopmund. To me this photo speaks. It simply and softly says, “Africa.”
And to get you excited as July ends, I want to explain “All Africa – All August” here at Stay Adventurous.
Starting this Sunday, August 1st (or really today) every week in August you will find photos, stories, links to other published work all on Africa. Again, All Africa – All August.
Tuesday: Photo. Wednesday: Adventure (Blog Post).
Friday: Photo. Sunday: SunsetSunday.
I hope you enjoy the look inside my African adventures this August as much as I did experiencing them (and then crafting them to share with you). Enjoy the weekend and ….
Stay adventurous, Craig

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Pingback: Sunset Sunday - Swakopmund, Namibia | Stay Adventurous()
Pingback: Sunset at Sossusvlei Lodge in Namibia | Stay Adventurous()